Bomag MPH 121Bomag Compactor Type: Limited liability company; Industry: Mechanical engineering; Founded: 1957; Headquarters: Boppard, Germany; Total assets: 830 million Euro
turnover by the BOMAG Group; Number of employees: About 2800 employees worldwide Company history BOMAG was founded in 1957 by Karl Heinz Schwamborn in Boppard. -
Four years later a further 10,000 metre squared were developed for assembly, testing and painting heavy machinery.
Koehring sold its interest in BOMAG in 2001 to the American company SPX Corporation,[5] which in turn sold the company again in 2005 to the French corporate group Fayat.
In 1982 production and steel engineering operations on the 7,000 metre squared site were expanded.
With around 1200 employees (as of 2010) in Boppard, the company is one of the largest employers in the region.
Works Cited
[“1. Der Tiefbau (in German). 1970. pp. 1024–. Karl H. Schwamborn. geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Bomag. wird eine wesentliche Beteiligung an Koehring … Kreis Biedenkopf/Lahn, studierte er von 1952 bis 1957 Maschinenbau an der Technischen Hochschule
in Darmstadt.
2. ^ New Civil Engineer. T. Telford. 1976. pp. 25–. Bomag’s compact compactor Bomag, market leader in the UK for double drum vibrating rollers, is breaking into the … vibratory field and around 50,000 units have been sold since Karl
Heinz Schwamborn formed the company in 1957.
3. ^ 10-K Transcript. 1975. pp. 237–. Mr. Schwamborn was the President of Bopparder Maschlnenbaugeeellschaft mbH (BOMAG) of Boppard, West Germany, a company he founded in 1957 until its acquisition by
registrant in 1970. He continued as President of Bomag until its …
4. ^ Der Tiefbau (in German). Vol. 11. 1969. pp. 1097–. So bezog die Bomag im Frühjahr 1969 im Industriegelände Boppard-Hellerwald neue Fertigungshallen und ein neues Verwaltungsgebäude.
Der Neubau war erforderlich geworden, um die Produktion der ständig ansteigenden Nachfrage …
5. ^ Mergent International Manual. Vol. 1. Mergent. 2001. pp. 2770–.
6. ^ Engineering News-record. 17-23. Vol. 253. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
2004. pp. 7–. SPX Sells Bomag and Hypac While Ingersoll-Rand Sells Dresser Publicly owned SPX Corp., Charlotte, N.C., has agreed to sell its premium- priced Bomag and Hypac brands of road- building machinery to privately owned Fayat …
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