In teaching through the opening of a shared dialogic space, dialogic education draws students into the co-construction of shared knowledge by questioning and building on dialogue
rather than simply learning a set of facts. -
[14] Dialogic approaches to education typically involve dialogue in the form of face-to-face talk including questioning and exploring ideas within a ‘dialogic space’ but can
also encompass other instances where ‘signs’ are exchanged between people, for instance via computer-mediated communication. -
It is typically the result of egalitarian dialogue; in other words, the consequence of a dialogue in which different people provide arguments based on validity claims and
not on power claims. -
Among those, it is worth mentioning transformative learning theory; Michael Fielding, who sees students as radical agents of change;[8] Timothy Koschmann, who highlights the
potential advantages of adopting dialogicality as the basis of education;[9] and Anne Hargrave, who demonstrates that children in dialogic-learning conditions make significantly larger gains in vocabulary, than do children in a less dialogic
reading environment. -
Dialogic education has been defined as engaging students in an ongoing process of shared inquiry taking the form of a dialogue[19] and as Robin Alexander outlines in his work
on dialogic teaching, it involves drawing students into a process of co-constructing knowledge. -
According to Wells, dialogic inquiry not only enriches individuals’ knowledge but also transforms it, ensuring the survival of different cultures and their capacity to transform
themselves according to the requirements of every social moment. -
[15] It has been suggested by Robin Alexander that in dialogic education, teachers should frame questions carefully in order to encourage reflection and take different students’
contributions and present them as a whole. -
For example, Nicolas Burbules defines dialogue in teaching instrumentally as facilitating new understanding, “Dialogue is an activity directed toward discovery and new understanding,
which stands to improve the knowledge, insight, or sensitivity of its participants”. -
[49] Links are often also made with the Socratic method, established by Socrates (470-399 BC), which is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical
thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions. -
As argued by Mikhail Bakhtin, children learn through persuasive dialogue rather than an authoritative transmission of facts, which enables them to understand by seeing from
different points of view. -
Indeed, dialogic strategies may be challenging to realize in educational practice given limited time and other pressures.
If knowledge is a product of dialogue it follows that knowledge is never final since the questions we ask and so the answers that we receive, will continue to change.
In this way, dialogic approaches need not be limited only to classroom-based talk or “external talk”.
In the learning communities, it is fundamental the involvement of all members of the community because, as research shows, learning processes, regardless of the learners’
ages, and including the teaching staff, depend more on the coordination among all the interactions and activities that take place in different spaces of the learners’ lives, like school, home, and workplace, than only on interactions and activities
developed in spaces of formal learning, such as classrooms. -
In effect, dialogic education takes place through dialogue by opening up dialogic spaces for the co-construction of new meaning to take place within a gap of differing perspectives.
CREA’s work on communicative acts points out, on the one hand, that the key concept is interaction and not claim; and, on the other hand, that in relationships can be identified
power interactions and dialogic interactions. -
It has also been acknowledged that forms of cultural imperialism may be encouraged through the implementation of a dialogic approach.
[52] Although modern interest in dialogic pedagogy seems to have emerged only in the 1960s, it was a very old and probably widespread educational practice.
Habermas: the theory of communicative action[edit] Rationality, for Jürgen Habermas (1984), has less to do with knowledge and its acquisition than with the use of knowledge
that individuals who are capable of speech and action make. -
IPD understood as a student’s authorship recognized and accepted by a community of practice, in which the student generates self-assignments and long-term projects within
the practice. -
Dialogic interactions are based on equality and seek understanding through speakers appreciating the provided arguments to the dialogue regardless of the position of power
of the speaker. -
In instrumental rationality, social agents make an instrumental use of knowledge: they propose certain goals and aim to achieve them in an objective world.
[18] Dialogic can also be used in contrast to ‘monologic’, which is the idea that there is only one true perspective and so that everything has one final correct meaning or
truth. -
His concept of dialogism states a relation among language, interaction, and social transformation.
[26] • Exploratory talk for learning: Collective mindstorming and probing ideas, enabling “the speaker to try out ideas, to hear how they sound, to see what others make of
them, to arrange information and ideas into different patterns” (p. -
According to Sidorkin,[39] ontological dialogic pedagogy priorities human ontology in pedagogical dialogue: Sociolinguist Per Linell[41] and educational philosopher Alexander
Sidorkin[39] evidence a non-instrumental ecological approach to dialogic pedagogy that focuses on the dialogicity[42][33] of the mundane everyday social interaction, its non-constrained nature, in which participants can have freedom to move
in and out of the interaction, and the absence or minimum of pedagogical violence. -
[10] Specifically, the concept of dialogic learning (Flecha) evolved from the investigation and observation of how people learn both outside and inside of schools, when acting
and learning freely is allowed. -
[16] Definitions of dialogic[edit] There is a lack of clarity around what is meant by the term ‘dialogic’ when used to refer to educational approaches.
In this sense, Bakhtin states that every time that we talk about something that we have read about, seen, or felt; we are actually reflecting the dialogues we have had with
others, showing the meanings that we have created in previous dialogues. -
In addition, answers should be considered as leading to further questions in dialogue rather than an end goal.
[33][38][39] Following Bakhtin, meaning is understood as living in the relationship between a genuine question seeking for information and a sincere answer aiming at addressing
this question. -
It is in this sense that Bakhtin talks about a chain of dialogues, to point out that every dialogue results from a previous one and, at the same time, every new dialogue is
going to be present in future ones. -
This is, what is said cannot be separated from the perspectives of others: the individual speech and the collective one are deeply related.
Dialogic, however, contends that there is always more than one voice in play behind any kind of explicit claim to knowledge.
Merleau-Ponty writes that when dialogue works it should no longer be possible to determine who is thinking because learners will find themselves thinking together.
In a dialogic classroom, students are encouraged to build on their own and others’ ideas,[13] resulting not only in education through dialogue but also in education for dialogue.
On the contrary, in communicative rationality, knowledge is the understanding provided by the objective world as well as by the intersubjectivity of the context where action
develops. -
Instrumental dialogic pedagogy uses dialogue for achieving non-dialogic purposes, usually making students arrive at certain preset learning outcomes.
There are at least three approaches to how this notion is currently used in the literature on education: 1.
[11] At this point, it is important to mention the “Learning Communities”, an educational project which seeks social and cultural transformation of educational centers and
their surroundings through dialogic learning, emphasizing egalitarian dialogue among all community members, including teaching staff, students, families, entities, and volunteers. -
[54] A growing body of research indicates that dialogic methods lead to improved performance in students’ content knowledge, text comprehension, and reasoning capabilities.
[37] The non-instrumental “epistemological dialogue”, a term introduced by Alexander Sidorkin,[39] is a purified dialogue to abstract a single main theme, a development of
a main concept, and unfold the logic. -
[citation needed] Non-instrumental[edit] In contrast to instrumental approaches to dialogic pedagogy, non-instrumental approaches to dialogic pedagogy view dialogue not as
a pathway or strategy for achieving meaning or knowledge but as the medium in which they live.
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