[41] Second, while many of the best examples of facilitation cascades in applied contexts come from foundation species or ecosystem engineers that are conspicuous habitat
dominants, practitioners should keep in mind that facilitators in a cascade can also include smaller and/or mobile organisms, such as Pollinators that have a positive effect on the reproductive success of habitat-forming vegetation, or mutualists
such as symbiodinium in corals and mycorrhizal fungi in terrestrial plants. -
This complex habitat has also shown how facilitation cascades can increases invasibility because non-native crabs live on and among ribbed mussels, providing a mechanisms
to explain positive relationships between native diversity and invasion success, and the co-existence of native and invasive species through differential use of microhabitats associated with the cascade. -
[6] A typical example of facilitation cascades in a tropical coastal ecosystem[7] Origin of concept and related terms[edit] The term facilitation cascade was coined by Altieri,
Silliman, and Bertness during a study on New England cobblestone beaches to explain the chain of positive interactions that allow a diverse community to exist in a habitat that is otherwise characterized by substrate instability, elevated
temperatures, and desiccation stress. -
The concept emphasizes the hierarchical organization of nature, in which a foundation species creates the basis for an entire community by building a unique habitat, as seen
in coral reefs, kelp beds, or hemlock forests, and then secondary interactions (e.g., competition, predation, facilitation) among inhabitants refine community composition and ecological dynamics. -
[3] Furthermore, the species in a facilitation cascade can be candidate species for restoration due to their ability to initiate community assembly and the complex network
of species interactions that underlie important ecosystem properties such as resilience. -
Spatial scale can be influenced by how rapidly a foundation species grows or reproduces, as well as how long the effect of facilitation takes to impact other species within
the system. -
[21] Furthermore, invasive species may be able to better exploit the benefits of facilitation cascades over native species, leading to spillover effects into nearby habitats
and further contributing to their invasion success. -
[57] These foundation species had not recovered by 2021, and large-scale natural disasters could potentially have legacies on facilitation cascades over decades to centuries
as a function of recovery rates of habitat forming organisms. -
[3][39] This example is significant due to the chemical signals sent from secondary foundation species to attract the diversity of inhabitant snail to the cascade habitat.
For example, the facilitators within a cascade can be identified as focal or indicator species for monitoring and protection in conservation plans given that these species
are likely to support elevated biodiversity and species abundance. -
[3] Overview[edit] Facilitation cascades occur when prevalent foundation species,[4] or less abundant but ecologically important keystone species,[5] are involved in a hierarchy
of positive interactions and consist of a primary facilitator which positively affects one or more secondary facilitators which support a suite of beneficiary species. -
[10] Facilitation cascades thus represent a form of indirect interaction occurring over three or more levels, whereby one species impacts another via an intermediate species.
[63] Invasive species[edit] The successful establishment of a nonnative species into a new habitat may be expedited by the habitat provisioning and physical stress amelioration
of the facilitation cascade that also promotes high native biodiversity. -
More generally, these movements of individuals can serve as a biogeochemical or trophic link between ecosystems, leading to nutrient subsidies and feedbacks that sustain the
foundation species that form the basis of facilitation cascades and providing the basis for meta-ecosystems. -
[54] Finally, engineering with facilitating species in a cascade often provides complementary functions that both enhance the performance of one another and lead to beneficial
outcomes that might not be possible with any single species. -
For example, about half of the invertebrate biomass and abundance of invertebrates was observed to be dependent on secondary epiphyte habitats, suggesting that early estimates
of the notably high arthropod diversity in tropical forests may in part be driven by facilitation cascades. -
[48] Second, species that benefit from a facilitation cascade may move beyond the cascade habitat (i.e., spillover) and play an ecologically important role in adjacent habitats.
A facilitation cascade is a sequence of ecological interactions that occur when a species benefits a second species that in turn has a positive effect on a third species.
First, facilitation cascades may occur across multiple habitats through long distance interactions, and so the effectiveness of monitoring and outplanting projects may need
to incorporate landscape-scale perspectives or risk failure if essential components of the system are left outside the project scope. -
For examples, using artificial mimics as replacements for primary and secondary foundation species allows for isolation of specific mechanisms that are hypothesized to underlie
the cascading effects of facilitation on local ecosystem dynamics. -
However, harvest of primary or secondary facilitators themselves within the cascade can lead to downstream reductions in species richness, thereby weakening the overexploited
species’ facilitative effects. -
[7][41] Facilitation cascades can also be structured as patches on the landscape that arise either because a primary and secondary habitat-forming species co-occur in patches,
or a secondary habitat-former exists in patches within a large continuous habitat created by the primary habitat-former. -
First, movement of a facilitative species to a location with another facilitative species can bring together the components for a facilitation cascade.
[22] For highly mobile beneficiary species, such as those with more distant ontogenetic habitat shifts, large foraging ranges, or the capability of long-distance migrations,
the reach of the facilitation cascade may be quite extensive. -
However, only a few studies appear to have documented freshwater facilitation cascades, and it remains to be determined whether this is a function of the ecosystem structure
or simply a reflection of historic research perspectives. -
[1] Facilitation cascades differ from the facilitation model of succession[8] because species accumulate in the ecosystem due to the direct and indirect effects of the primary
and secondary facilitator, whereas in the succession, early species that play a facilitative role are, over time, replaced by later-stage species. -
Whether foundation species in a cascade are found in adjacent or nested configurations depends on whether competition for resources at some scale drives one foundation species
to displace another. -
[3] Within a facilitation cascade, primary and secondary foundation can increase organismal survival, species richness, niche diversity, and habitat complexity, in turn enhancing
biodiversity. -
[3] Classic examples Facilitation cascades are observed in all of earth’s major ecosystem types, and representative examples illustrate their widespread importance as well
as the diversity of cascades that arise. -
These foundation species exchange resources and benefit each other by buffering against sedimentation and nutrient inputs from the terrestrial side, and reducing wave energy
from the open ocean. -
[23] While these facilitative interactions within a cascade may provide relief from increasing abiotic stresses, they are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
themselves. -
[7] The structure, which is typically more complex than areas outside a facilitation cascade habitat can function as a refuge from predation refuge or physical stresses.
[20] Since the bivalves can provide nutrient subsidies to the seagrass, this is an example of a common structure of facilitation cascades where the secondary facilitators
have a positive effect on primary facilitators, such that there is mutualism within the cascade. -
[43] This can be due to the time necessary for a foundation species to reach a minimum individual or patch size to create a facilitative effect for the system, lags in the
demographic response in the beneficiary species to the positive effects of a facilitator, or seasonality or some other temporal variability in the stress that the facilitator ameliorates. -
Facilitation cascades can also have a strong direct effect on a number of ecological functions that arise through creation of physical structure.
As such, facilitation cascades are widespread through all of the earth’s major biomes with consistently positive effects on the abundance and biodiversity of associated organisms.
[3] Scale and ecological feedbacks Spatial configuration[edit] The primary and secondary foundation species that make up a facilitation cascade can occur in one of two spatial
configurations. -
In some instances there is scale dependence of the interactions, where competition over short distances leads to zonation of foundation species with distinct borders, and
facilitation over longer distances occurs between the organisms in these zones. -
[12] Ecosystem functioning[edit] Given the close relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, facilitation cascades will have strong indirect effect on ecosystem
function due their enhancement of biodiversity. -
Third, facilitation cascades commonly incorporate multiple Trophic levels and/or disparate taxonomic and functional groups, and so restoration projects (or investigations
for that matter) need to take a community-wide approach to their design. -
[59] In other instances, eutrophication can lead to an outright replacement of habitat dominants, such as when macroalgae replaces corals on reefs, leading to a change or
loss in components of a facilitation cascade and there a shift in the broader community. -
[26] This example is notable because it involves a foundation species (mangroves) increasing their facilitative effect by aggregating a drifting secondary species from nearby
rocky reefs. -
The most immediately obvious benefit is the provision of additional habitat that provides living spaces for more and different organisms.
[56] However, stresses imposed by a threat may, beyond a certain threshold, have detrimental impacts on foundation species, and thereby lead to breakdown of the facilitation
cascade. -
[7][50] Ecological significance Biodiversity[edit] Facilitation cascades have strong positive effects on biodiversity at local or patch scale via direct and indirect facilitation.
Nutrient pollution may initially appear to benefit facilitation cascades by stimulating growth of habitat forming species, but ultimately negative effects associated with
excess biomass, such as physically smothering and biogeochemical stressors including oxygen depletion and sulfide toxicity, can overwhelm the facilitation cascade. -
[30][31][32] This example is notable because the secondary habitat-forming seaweed is invasive in this region.
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