A central aspect concerns the abilities used to distinguish facts from mere opinions, like the process of finding and evaluating reasons for and against a position to come
to one’s own conclusion. -
This form of abductive reasoning is relevant to why one normally trusts what other people say even though this inference is usually not drawn in an explicit way.
[111] If the decision is time-sensitive, on the other hand, logical reasoning may imply making a fast decision based on the currently available evidence even if it is very
limited. -
[68][69][70] Some theorists use the term in a very wide sense to include any form of non-deductive reasoning, even if no generalization is involved.
Outside the field of logic, the term “fallacy” is sometimes used in a slightly different sense for a false belief or theory and not for an argument.
[5][6] One central aspect is that this support is not restricted to a specific reasoner but that any rational person would find the conclusion convincing based on the premises.
This is often understood in terms of probability: the premises make it more likely that the conclusion is true and strong inferences make it very likely.
This is often understood in terms of probability: if the premises of a correct argument are true, it raises the probability that its conclusion is also true.
This means that if the premises are true, it makes it more likely but not certain that the conclusion is also true.
[57][58] So for a non-deductive argument, it is possible for all its premises to be true while its conclusion is still false.
As a form of non-deductive reasoning, abduction does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion even if the premises are true.
Definition Logical reasoning is a form of thinking that is concerned with arriving at a conclusion in a rigorous way.
This matters for effective reasoning since it is often necessary to rely on information provided by other people instead of checking every single fact for oneself.
In this case, they often resort to a form of guessing to come up with general principles that could explain the observations.
In this regard, inductive reasoning about future events seems to rest on the assumption that nature remains uniform.
Deductive reasoning offers the strongest support: the premises ensure the conclusion, meaning that it is impossible for the conclusion to be false if all the premises are
true. -
The types of logical reasoning differ concerning the exact norms they use as well as the certainty of the conclusion they arrive at.
[38] A rule of inference is a scheme of drawing conclusions that depends only on the logical form of the premises and the conclusion but not on their specific content.
For valid arguments, it is not important whether the premises are actually true but only that, if they were true, the conclusion could not be false.
[69][71][68] In the more narrow sense, it can be defined as “the process of inferring a general law or principle from the observations of particular instances.
[17] Other core skills linked to logical reasoning are to assess reasons before accepting a claim and to search for new information if more is needed to reach a reliable conclusion.
[12][13][14] The forms of logical reasoning have in common that they use premises to make inferences in a norm-governed way.
In such cases, logical reasoning includes weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks as well as considering their likelihood in order to arrive at a balanced all-things-considered
decision. -
[80][81][1] This expression underlines that there are usually many possible explanations of the same fact and that the reasoner should only infer the best explanation.
It plays an equally central role in the sciences, which often start with many particular observations and then apply the process of generalization to arrive at a universal
law. -
Inductive reasoning starts from a set of individual instances and uses generalization to arrive at a universal law governing all cases.
Non-deductive reasoning is ampliative in the sense that it arrives at information not already present in the premises.
For informal fallacies, like false dilemmas, the source of the faulty reasoning is usually found in the content or the context of the argument.
[62][63][59] So with non-deductive reasoning, one can learn something new that one did not know before.
Abductive reasoning, also known as “inference to the best explanation”, starts from an observation and reasons to the fact explaining this observation.
In this regard, the conclusion of an inductive inference contains new information not already found in the premises.
[18][25] An argument is correct or incorrect depending on whether the premises offer support for the conclusion.
The purpose of arguments is to convince a person that something is the case by providing reasons for this belief.
In this sense, it is roughly equivalent to critical thinking and includes the capacity to select and apply the appropriate rules of logic to specific situations.
For non-deductive reasoning, the premises make the conclusion more likely but do not ensure it.
It also includes the ability to consider different courses of action and compare the advantages and disadvantages of their consequences, to use common sense, and to avoid
inconsistencies. -
“[4] Logical reasoning is rigorous in the sense that it does not generate any conclusion but ensures that the premises support the conclusion and act as reasons for believing
it. -
Forms of logical reasoning can be distinguished based on how the premises support the conclusion.
[120] On the practical level, logical reasoning concerns the issue of making rational and effective decisions.
For example, when predicting how a person will react to a situation, inductive reasoning can be employed based on how the person reacted previously in similar circumstances.
Deductive reasoning, by contrast, is non-ampliative since it only extracts information already present in the premises without adding any additional information.
In this regard, it only matters that the conclusion could not be false if the premises are true and not whether they actually are true.
[116][117] This way, logical reasoning can help the person avoid the effects of propaganda or being manipulated by others.
[30] Incorrect arguments offer no or not sufficient support and are called fallacies,[31][32] although the use of incorrect arguments does not mean their conclusions are incorrect.
It happens in the form of inferences or arguments by starting from a set of premises and reasoning to a conclusion supported by these premises.
Inductive reasoning is a form of generalization that infers a universal law from a pattern found in many individual cases.
This support comes in degrees: strong arguments make the conclusion very likely, as is the case for well-researched issues in the empirical sciences.
[124] If one lacks important information, it is often better to delay a decision and look for new information before coming to a conclusion.
[1][16] Some theorists give a very wide definition of logical reasoning that includes its role as a cognitive skill responsible for high-quality thinking.
This means that one may have to withdraw a conclusion upon learning new information.
Logical reasoning is norm-governed in the sense that it aims to formulate correct arguments that any rational person would find convincing.
Arguments that fall short of the standards of logical reasoning are called fallacies.
It happens in the form of inferences drawn from premises to reach and support a conclusion, just like its deductive counterpart.
[83][81][84] Other central criteria for a good explanation are that it fits observed and commonly known facts and that it is relevant, precise, and not circular.
Further factors are to seek new information, to avoid inconsistencies, and to consider the advantages and disadvantages of different courses of action before making a decision.
[20][3] The propositions used as the starting point of logical reasoning are called the premises.
[86] Through analogical reasoning, knowledge can be transferred from one situation or domain to another.
The faulty premise oversimplifies reality: it states that things are either one way or another way but ignore many other viable alternatives.
Their main fault usually lies not in the form of the argument but has other sources, like its content or context.
This means that the premises support the conclusion by making it more probable but do not ensure its truth.
[2][3] It can be defined as “selecting and interpreting information from a given context, making connections, and verifying and drawing conclusions based on provided and interpreted
information and the associated rules and processes. -
Some theorists understand logical reasoning in a wide sense that is roughly equivalent to critical thinking.
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