Advancements in natural language processing and natural language generation allow certain tools (in the form of software) to produce certain kinds of highly formulaic writing
(e.g., weather forecasts and brief sports reporting) without the direct involvement of humans[12] after initial configuration or, more commonly, to be used to support writing processes such as generating initial drafts, producing feedback
with the help of a rubric, copy-editing, and helping translation. -
[2] In general, writing systems do not constitute languages in and of themselves, but rather a means of encoding language such that it can be read by others across time and
space. -
The typewriter and subsequently various digital word processors have recently become widespread writing tools, and studies have compared the ways in which writers have framed
the experience of writing with such tools as compared with the pen or pencil. -
[5] Writing can also have knowledge-transforming effects, since it allows humans to externalize their thinking in forms that are easier to reflect on, elaborate on, reconsider,
and revise. -
At a much larger scale, modern systems of finances, banking, and business rest on many forms of written documents—including written regulations, policies, and procedures;
the creation of reports and other monitoring documents to make, evaluate, and provide accountability for decisions and operations; the creation and maintenance of records; internal written communications within departments to coordinate work;
written communications that comprise work products presented to other departments and to clients; and external communications to clients and the public. -
Such data collection and drafting of manuscripts may be supported by grants, which usually require proposals establishing the value of such work and the need for funding.
The history of writing is co-extensive with uses of writing and the elaboration of activity systems that give rise to and circulate writing.
[citation needed] Another featural script is SignWriting, the most popular writing system for many sign languages, where the shapes and movements of the hands and face are
represented iconically. -
Only over time, as others may cite the work (see intertextuality) and use it to advance further claims and the work appears in review articles, handbooks, textbooks, or other
aggregations, does it become codified as contingently reliable knowledge. -
Apart from text, the term “hypertext” is also sometimes used to describe tables, images, and other presentational content formats with integrated hyperlinks.
Writing systems The major writing systems broadly fall into four categories: logographic, syllabic, alphabetic, and featural.
However, as languages often evolve independently of their writing systems, and writing systems have been borrowed for languages they were not designed for, the degree to which
letters of an alphabet correspond to phonemes of a language varies greatly from one language to another and even within a single language. -
Writing most likely began as a consequence of political expansion in ancient cultures, which needed reliable means for transmitting information, maintaining financial accounts,
keeping historical records, and similar activities. -
Internally, these specialized writers ensure that communications present the necessary information in clear and precise terms to people in various roles.
Scripts similar in appearance to this writing system include those for Ugaritic and Old Persian.
Written rules and procedures typically guide the operations of the various branches, departments, and other bodies of government, which regularly produce reports and other
documents as work products and to account for their actions. -
It is generally agreed that Sumerian writing was an independent invention; however, it is debated whether Egyptian writing was developed completely independently of Sumerian,
or was a case of cultural diffusion. -
[48] Early versions of the possible publications may also be presented at academic or disciplinary conferences or on publicly accessible web servers to gain peer feedback
and build interest in the work. -
[3][4] While not all languages use a writing system, those that do can complement and extend the capacities of spoken language by creating durable forms of language that can
be transmitted across space (e.g. -
The global spread of digital communication systems such as e-mail and social media has made writing an increasingly important feature of daily life, where these systems mix
with older technologies like paper, pencils, whiteboards, printers, and copiers. -
law, accounting, software design, human resources), written documentation is not only the main deliverable but also the mode of work itself.
[54] Alongside the writing that students read (in the forms of textbooks, assigned books, and other instructional materials as well as self-selected books) students do much
writing within schools at all levels, on subject exams, in essays, in taking notes, in doing homework, and in formative and summative assessments. -
[citation needed] Sometimes the term “alphabet” is restricted to systems with separate letters for consonants and vowels, such as the Latin alphabet, although abugidas and
abjads may also be accepted as alphabets. -
And of course, subject learning draws on the knowledge produced and authorized by disciplines.
A certain subset of these works gain scholarly attention and are taught in literature classes at schools at all levels, including children’s literature, young adult literature,
and canonical literature taught at universities; these works typically become the subject of another form of writing: academic scholarship. -
Prior to official publication, these documents are typically read and evaluated by referees from the appropriate research specialties, who, in their written evaluations, determine
whether the work is of sufficient value and quality to be published. -
During the course of a day or even a single episode of writing, for example, a writer might instinctively switch among a pencil, a touchscreen, a text-editor, a whiteboard,
a legal pad, and adhesive notes as different purposes arise. -
[29] The following are examples of this pervasiveness, but they are far from encompassing all the uses of writing.
Programming and maintaining the source code is the central step of this process, but it also includes conceiving the project, evaluating its feasibility, analyzing the business
requirements, software design, testing, to release. -
Around the 4th millennium BC, the complexity of trade and administration outgrew the power of memory, and writing became a more dependable method of recording and presenting
transactions in a permanent form. -
A writing system uses a set of symbols and rules to encode aspects of spoken language, such as its lexicon and syntax.
[citation needed] The main logographic system in use today is Chinese characters, used with some modification for the various languages or dialects of China, Japan, and sometimes
in Korean, although in South and North Korea, the phonetic Hangul system is mainly used. -
[20] On the other hand, writing in both ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica may have evolved through the political necessity to manage the calendar for recording historical and
environmental events. -
[citation needed] Writing within education and educational institutions [edit] Formal education is the social context most strongly associated with the learning of writing,
and students may carry these particular associations long after leaving school. -
Within school hierarchies many memos, notices, or other documents may flow.
[18] As Charles Bazerman explains, the “marking of signs on stones, clay, paper, and now digital memories—each more portable and rapidly traveling than the previous—provided
means for increasingly coordinated and extended action as well as memory across larger groups of people over time and space. -
[55][56] Students receive much writing from their teachers as well in the forms of assignments and syllabi, directions for activities, worksheets, corrections on work, or
information about subjects or exams. -
[21][22] Further innovations included more uniform, predictable, and widely dispersed legal systems, the distribution of accessible versions of sacred texts, and furthering
practices of scientific inquiry and knowledge management, all of which were largely reliant on portable and easily reproducible forms of inscribed language. -
Written legal codes in modern governments are typically produced by legislative branches and provide standardized rules for commercial, civil, and lawful activity.
However, written language may take on characteristics distinct from those of any spoken language.
“[19] For example, around the 4th millennium BC, the complexity of trade and administration in Mesopotamia outgrew human memory, and writing became a more dependable method
for creating permanent records of transactions. -
Writing systems based primarily on writing just consonants phonemes date back to the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.
[6][7][8] Tools, materials, and motivations to write Any instance of writing involves a complex interaction among available tools, intentions, cultural customs, cognitive
routines, genres, tacit and explicit knowledge, and the constraints and limitations of the writing system(s) deployed. -
Experiments, observational data, archival documents, and other evidence collected as part of research inquiries are then represented within the written contribution and serve
as the basis for arguments for new claims intended to be published in specialized academic journals and university presses. -
[33] Governance and law [edit] Many modern systems of government are organized and sanctified through written constitutions at the national and sometimes state or other organizational
levels. -
Other [edit] • Written personal and group communication, using letters, signed texts such as open letters, e-mails, social media and chat software • Unoriginal writing such
as translation of texts and transcription of spoken language • Screenplay writing for film and other audiovisual scenes. -
Both in the writing they do, and with the support they provide other professionals within their organizations, they make sure that each person within the organization has
the information they need and that the work of the organization is coordinated by making sure all necessary tasks are assigned, and carried out, in a timely and accurate way. -
[17] Motivations and purposes [edit] As human societies emerged, collective motivations for the development of writing were driven by pragmatic exigencies like keeping track
of produce and other wealth, recording history, maintaining culture, codifying knowledge through curricula and lists of texts deemed to contain foundational knowledge (e.g. -
Other segments of the book market include non-fictional works that some may not characterize as literature but exist within the same marketing space, such as popular history,
biography and autobiography, political and celebrity memoirs, self-help and educational books, popular science and technology, accounts of social problems, and futuristic projections. -
[45][46] Scientific and scholarly knowledge production [edit] Layout of a typical modern scientific study with a summarizing abstract near the top, below (multiple lines of)
metadata Knowledge produced in research disciplines of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities arises primarily in the form of journal articles and book monographs. -
[50] Scientific or scholarly work written for more popular audiences relies on the published work of the scientific literature for its authority but does not in itself directly
contribute to the scientific literature. -
[51][52] These changes have also created challenges for journalism ethics that have been developed over the past century.
[citation needed] Writing also pervades schools and educational institutions in less visible and memorable ways.
Works of literature sell widely and encompass a wide substantial market provided by large corporate publishers, self-published writers, and everything in-between.
[34] Governments at different levels also typically maintain written records on citizens concerning identities, life events such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces,
the granting of licenses for controlled activities, criminal charges, traffic offenses, and other penalties small and large, and tax liability and payments. -
[27] Even in occupations not typically associated with writing, routine records management has most employees writing at least some of the time.
The hieroglyph system was always difficult to learn, but in later centuries was purposely made even more so, as this preserved the scribes’ status.
[59] Software development may be sequential, in which each step is complete before the next begins, but iterative development methods where multiple steps can be executed
at once and earlier steps can be revisited have also been devised to improve flexibility, efficiency, and scheduling. -
[49] Referees may also recommend certain improvements be made or that the work not be published.
Individual motivations for writing include improvised additional capacity for the limitations of human memory[23] (e.g.
To avoid making a picture for each instance of the same object (for example: 100 pictures of a hat to represent 100 hats), they counted the objects by using various small
marks. -
[citation needed] Authors and publishers’ agents produce considerable documentation preparatory and subsequent to the successful publication of literature: prospectuses, developmental
editing notes, contracts, correspondence with potential reviewers, press-releases, marketing plans, etc. -
Hypertext is one of the key underlying concepts of the World Wide Web,[61] where Web pages are often written in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
[citation needed] Journalism [edit] Main article: Journalism News and news reporting are central to citizen engagement and knowledge of many spheres of activity people may
be interested in about the state of their community, including the actions and integrity of their governments and government officials, economic trends, natural disasters and responses to them, international geopolitical events, including
conflicts, but also sports, entertainment, books, and other leisure activities.
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Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zenera/10919961/’]